Our GBP members have recently shared some images with a lot of color in them: color in the background or color in the bird. Take a look:
Paul Demkovich was in California not along ago and captured this male Surf Scoter with one of the most color bills in the business!
Burning Nature Photograph says his most important criteria for a bird photograph is a “clean, pleasing background” and he was very happy with this image. Emil Baumbach also strives to capture a creamy, smooth background. I believe a background can help give context to a bird photograph so mine aren’t always so clean. Here’s BNP’s shot of a Song Sparrow with a gorgeous colorful and clean background.
You can’t get more colorful than a Scarlet Macaw and here davetheduck has captured two of them in Costa Rica.
Finally, here’s a shot of a Multicolored Tanager taken by Bajadreamer in Columbia. Bajadreamer always includes an interesting write-up with his images so be sure to click on the pic to read what he shared (and to see a larger image).
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