Staying at San Isidro Lodge, Ecuador

After leaving Mindo Valley on the western slope of the Andes we drove through Quito and over the continental divide to our home for the next three nights, San Isidro Lodge.  It is well-positioned on the eastern slope of the Andes and I really liked this Reserva so today I’ll focus on San Isidro and its grounds.


Our lodging was one of two rooms in a cabin tucked back off of the main path.


It was a large and comfortable room with a big deck facing the forest (and even a hammock).  No need for room-darkening drapes there as it was pitch black once the sun set.


The main path led down through the forest to the dining area deck.  It was beautiful in the daytime but at night it was very dark so we had to pick our way home.


Earlier I showed a picture of the moth trap (canvas) lit by a single light bulb.  The picture below was taken after dinner one night so you can see all the moths and bugs that were already attracted to the light.


Here’s that same canvas in the late morning and as you can see just about all of the bugs had been picked off by the birds.  Above the canvas is the deck where we stood to observe the birds coming in to feed.  The area was surrounded by trees and shrubs so the birds would swoop down and pick off a bug and then perch nearby to eat their snack, making it easy to get some good photos.


Here’s a Blackburnian Warbler munching on a moth it picked off of the canvas.  Recall that the visit was in January;  this Blackburnian is probably already making its way north through Central America, migrating back to its breeding grounds in Canada.


Speaking of Canada, here a Canada Warbler munching on a bug it found on the canvas, and it too is probably on its way back home.


We did hike around the grounds of San Isidro (as typical, we didn’t see many birds on the trail) but you can see the dining lodge and observation deck up the path.


Once we got back to the deck from our hike I turned around and captured the view through the woods, back toward the Andes Mountains.  Note the small structure down below (more to come).


Back to the birds seen from the deck (usually at 5:30 – 7 AM).  Here’s a Green Jay coming in for a breakfast snack.


Even more colorful than the Green Jay, a Masked Trogon made a brief appearance.  We saw trogons much more frequently in Central America (Costa Rick and Panama) than in Ecuador.  As a matter of fact I believe this was the only one we saw during our ten days there.


I couldn’t get enough of this next bird – a Cinnamon Flycatcher.  Just gorgeous colors, and like other flycatchers, it returned to the same perch time after time.


We saw Woodcreepers frequently in Ecuador, although this Olive-backed Woodcreeper was not seen as often is its cousin, the Montane Woodcreeper.


The deck’s most frequent hummingbird visitor was the Chestnut-breasted Coronet.  There were a lot of them and they were constantly fighting each other for position at the feeders.



I only got one good look at this Black-billed Peppershrike and I wish I could have observed (i.e. taken pictures) it more.  I love the blood-red lores transforming into eyebrows.


Remember that structure down below the observation deck?  At dusk a Tapir came in to feed on some grain left out for it.


I was impressed by the quality of the food served at San Isidro.  Cooked by a couple of local women the food was hot and was always tasty.  Here’s a look at the place settings for our group (remember, this is in the wilds of Ecuador).  Below it an appetizer plate with the largest Lima Beans I’ve ever seen!



As we sat down to dinner that night two Black-banded Owls came in to feed off of the gathering moths on the canvas.  A flashlight illuminated the bird enough for a shot at 1/100th of a second.  They returned each night we were there.


Links to previous posts of our Ecuador Birding Trip:

How to prepare for and get the most from your bird tour

Our Ecuador Birding Trip – Preliminary Data

Our Bird Tour In Ecuador – Overview

Birding a City Park in Downtown Quito, Ecuador

Out of Quito to Reserva Yanacocha

Into Mindo Valley – Sachatamia Lodge

Mindo Valley – Reserva Amagusa

Reserva Amagusa – Hummingbirds and Toucanete

Ecuador Day 4 – Sendero Fruitti Tour

Refugio Paz de la Aves in Mindo Valley

Out of Mindo Valley

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What an adventure!
