So Many Pics From Argentina!

Two of our most prolific posters were recently (perhaps still are) in Argentina and they have been sharing lots of shots of birds I’ve never seen before.  Today let’s look at some interesting birds from Paul Demkovich’s trip.

Let’s start with a cute little bird called a Black-backed Water-tyrant.  Striking in it’s pure black and white plumage!

Paul takes us into the air in these next couple of shots.  The white background almost enhances the colors of this Black-chested Buzzard.

I’ve seen White-faced Ibis here in the U.S. but never a Black-faced Ibis.  Just look at the colors around the eyes and face!  Great BIF shot, Paul!


Our last bird of the day from Paul Demkovich is a subspecies of the Black-necked Stilt.  These birds are fairly common in parts of the U.S. but we tend to have the Black-backed variety.  As you can see in this picture these are the White-backed subspecies.


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