Reflections Contest – Honorable Mentions.2

Although the top prize in the GreatBirdPic Reflections Bird Photography Contest went to Emil Baumbach and his beautiful Great Egret photograph, there were ten more entries that were Award Winners in our book.  Yesterday I shared five of the ten pictures that deserved an Honorable Mention for their quality.  Today I share the other five Honorable Mentions.  The photographs are not presented in any particular order.

We had several Reflections entries with Green Herons, and this one by xenops17 was excellent.  The bird and its reflection were captured expertly.


This shot of a Great Blue Heron extending its wings out fully was caught in reflection by Emil Baumbach.  It appears to have been taken at dawn, when the water was like a mirror.


You can’t get a better picture of a Horned Grebe than this one from Ronald Zigler.  So sharp and bright and the reflection is excellent.  GreatBirdPic!


This image of a Great Egret preening is very much like our Award winner – you see as much of the bird in the reflection as you do of the subject.  I like the position of the bird in front of the opening in the reeds and the dark, moodiness of the image.  An Award Winner in my book!


Our last Honorable Mention shows a male Hooded Merganser with a great reflection.  Ronald Zigler submitted this shot (which I have tried to get many times and have not been as successful as Ronald did here).


Many thanks to all who submitted their GreatBirdPics for the Reflections contest.  I really enjoyed looking at each one of them.  I’ll be doing another contest in a few months and would welcome your suggestions for a topic.


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