Reflections Contest – Honorable Mentions.1

Although the top prize in the GreatBirdPic Reflections Bird Photography Contest went to Emil Baumbach and his beautiful Great Egret photograph, there were ten more entries that were Award Winners in our book.  Today and tomorrow I will feature those pictures that deserve an Honorable Mention for their quality.  The photographs are not presented in any particular order.

Janet joined GBP a couple of months ago and has submitted one photograph – this image of a Common Loon.  I hope to see more from her (say Hi to Anne for me).


Emil Baumbach wasn’t content to send in one GreatBirdPic, he also sent in this one of a Northern Cardinal taking a bath.  Xwinger and I loved the water action around the bird.


Ronald Zigler submitted several excellent photographs with reflections in them.  We particularly liked this colorful image of a Tri-colored Heron on the hunt.  I liked how Ronald caught the web of water beneath the bird’s bill.


Xwinger was particularly taken with this view of American White Pelicans.  We both said we could see a large print of it on our living room wall.


This next photograph of a White-faced Heron is stark, yet striking.  Rebecca Bowater captured the shot just at the right instant.  Well done!


Five more Honorable Mention photographs from the Reflections contest tomorrow.

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