Red, White, and Blue Birds

Happy Fourth of July everybody!  Hope you have a great day and celebrate peacefully and safely.  You can find a little Red, White, and Blue in each of these birds in honor of this great American holiday.

A male Eastern Bluebird is about a blue as you can get.  Rust is a shade of red, right?


The Blue Grosbeak has the blue covered.  We’ve already established that rust is a shade of red.  An isn’t the lower mandible of the beak white?  I thought so.


These birds from Costa Rica display red, white and blue well.  The Scarlet Macaw has large expanses of all three colors (and more)!


The Red-legged Honeycreeper’s crown is a bluish-white, so that counts, too.


Have a great Fourth.  No email tomorrow.


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Happy Fourth!
