Elegant Crested-Tinamou

Pointy Head

Viewed 9 Times

We stopped at the ranger station for the Llancanelo Park in the Malargue Department, Mendoza Province for a comfort stop and to check in before entering the park.  It was hot out so we all headed into the rustic building.  Most went directly to the restrooms but I wandered to the the back of the building and looked out the dirty, large window that looked over an overgrown open area.  My eyes were drawn to some movement and soon I was calling to Karen, “Tinamou!  There are Tinamou out there!”  Indeed there were two Elegant-crested Tinamou walking through the tall grasses not 20 yards from the ranger station.  The birds blended in well with their thinly striped bodies as they slipped between the stalks of grass.  I love the spike/crest at the top of their head!

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