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Our local guide Carlos was an expert birder (named Panama’s Naturalist Guide of the year in 2018).  He has observed 776 species in Panama so it takes a special bird to get him excited.  When Carlos did get excited, we could tell how good the bird was by how many OMGs he strung together: OMG! = pretty special bird, OMG! OMG! = a rarity, and OMG! OMG! OMG! = he lost his mind when he saw it.  One morning we were having coffee before breakfast outside of the Canopy Family Lodge when both Carlos and Adam Sell stopped mid-sentence, jumped up, and rushed over to the nearby stream.  Picking its way along the waters edge was a Sunbittern.  Carlos let out a string of OMGs that let us know we should stop doing whatever we were doing and get over there to see this special bird.  Carlos and Adam could barely tear themselves away to begin the day’s touring.

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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

Nice shot of this tough bird.
