Greater Racket-tailed Drongo

Interesting Tail-feathers

Viewed 19 Times

Look at the tail of this Greater Raquet-tailed Drongo and you will see a thin thread extending off each tip down to the “racket” shaped feathers below.  Amazing at rest, amazing in flight.

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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

What an amazing bird. Nice photos Mike.


Great looking bird. Tail similar to the Motmots of Central and South America. I would assume that the Drongos are similar to the Motmots-the central tail feathers are formed “normally” but have weakened barbs in the center of the shaft. During routine grooming the barbs fall off leaving the “spatula”. Good background and the leaf behind the tail effectively brings out the shaft of the tail feather. Often this gets lost in the background. Shot to be proud of!
