
How Could I Have Taken a Better Shot?

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I was down in Destin, Florida recently and as I walked down the beach I saw a small flock of Sanderlings with interesting wave action behind them.  I took this shot and when I loaded the image on my computer I was disappointed that it wasn’t better.  So I ask you, “How could I have taken a better shot”?  Any and all comments are welcome – members can post a comment at the bottom of this page.

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Emil BaumbachBajadreamer Recent comment authors
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Sometimes you have to take what is offered but there are several things that would have improved this image IMO. First get much lower. In the image my eye goes to the waves first not the birds. Getting lower and , the second suggestion, using a lower f/stop would have separated the birds from the water a bonus would have been elimination of footprints on foreground. Depending on activity of birds slowing SS would have blurred water more.
I am old so getting down low is difficult but on the beach is easier.

Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

A few things to try would be laying flat on the sand to get good eye contact. I would next try a few shots at different shutter speeds to get the waves and spaying water sharp or blurred. I would also get much closer to your subject. You also could wait for the water to recede, let the birds follow the wave then get some action shots as they scamper back in front of the water.
