Broad-billed Hummingbird

A Rarity in Chicago

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Recently a Broad-billed Hummingbird was found in a park within Chicago.  This bird is rarely seen over the Mexican border in Texas, but to find it in Chicago was extraordinarily rare.  There was some discussion if this might be one of the rarest sightings ever in Chicago!  The bird was found near some Buckeye trees near a picnic area – after feeding there it would zip through the forest about 300 yards away to a small Crabapple tree.  Needless to say lots of birders came in search of it.  Can you guess where the Broad-billed Hummingbird usually shows up?

A Lifer for us and probably for many birders who came to see it.

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LinLark Recent comment authors

Congrats on the lifer! I lived 500 ft from those woods for 10 years – it’s a magical place
