One of my favorite warblers.
Country United States
State Illinois
Location Thatcher Woods, River Forest, Illinois
Gender Male
Age Adult
Activity Feeding in the Wild, In or By Water
- Created Timestamp05/12/2020 20:02:28
- CameraILCE-9M2
- Aperture9
- Focal Length531
- Iso800
- Shutter Speed1/1000
Another of your beautiful pictures. Great bokeh and perspective. I see this was shot at 531 mm; I assume the 200-600 mm zoom. Are you using this lens with a 1.4 extender when you post shots at 840 mm?
Thanks Bajadreamer, yes I’m using a 1.4 extender with the 200-600mm.
Well, the proof is in the pudding. That combo seems to work great for you.
One of my favorites, too. Looks like you caught this one lower down; I usually see them waaaay up in the top of the trees.
This bird was up, down and all around. It’s hard to get a shot where the throat feather are not blown out with direct sunlight. I’m still working on that. This warbler species reminds me so much of hummingbirds. I mean just look at that patch of throat feathers. It looks like a hummingbirds gorget doesn’t it?