Cuban Trogon

National bird of Cuba

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This is a Cuban Trogon. The picture was taken near the Zapata Swamp, one of the largest wetland areas in Cuba. Our guide called this bird up with his voice-he did not use recorded playback for any birds he called up. Truly a wizard he had been a birder/bird guide for 40 years in NW Cuba. Cuban birds have suffered the same problems birds elsewhere-loss of habitat to agriculture, but the Zapata Swamp area has been designated a reserve so still holds some wonderful birds.

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Mike WarnerBajadreamerPattycrowley Recent comment authors
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That’s cool to be able to talk to birds, or at least call them and they know your not a fake lol. Pretty bird

Mike Warner

That’s an interesting observation about Cuba being open to the rest of the world for many years – we think from a US perspective too often.
