Buffy Helmetcrest

Tough to get

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We have been to many countries to photograph birds. All have been wonderful, often for different reasons. We went to Colombia last year, and while the birds were terrific, the trip was tiring. Physically demanding, carrying heavy camera gear up and down some difficult trails, etc. These images demonstrate that scenario. These were taken at Los Nevados National Park in central Colombia. We were trying to photograph a specific species of hummingbird that only feeds on flowers that grow on the high slopes of these volcanoes. We hiked about 1/2 mile with our camera gear; that does not sound bad until you realize that we started at 13,500 feet of altitude and ended at 14,000 feet high.
Buffy Helmetcrest hummingbird.

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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

I’ve hiked in those altitudes and come down with altitude sickness. I’m glad you made it safely and got your target. That’s a special bird. Nice shot.

Mike Warner

Any climb at that altitude would be grueling! Glad you got the shot of such an unusual looking hummingbird.


I never would have guessed this to be a Hummingbird! Absolutely stunning!
