Ruby-topaz Hummingbird

Does not do the bird justice

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I recently posted a picture of an Oriole that I captured in La Uva, Colombia, while waiting on a very special hummingbird to come. While I did not see the hummer on my first day, the morning of the 2nd day was better. Several of these hummers came and went. Yes, I did get to see them and I took many images, but the inherent difficulties of capturing good pictures of hummingbirds were still present. This was a large garden, so predicting where the birds would come was difficult. The flowers were so brilliant yellow, that they created a yellow color cast over everything. Complicating it even further, another species of hummingbird, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, was the dominant bird and would chase these Ruby Topaz Hummingbirds away quickly. As a consequence, my images do not do this bird justice. Absolutely spectacular! When they would flit from flower to flower, it was like someone was shining a yellow and magenta laser around the garden.

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Paul Demkovich
Paul Demkovich

Agree – spectacular!


Beautiful bird and photo

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

Fantastic bird. Great photo for sure!
