Yellow Oriole

Unexpected bonus

Viewed 6 Times

I mentioned earlier that, usually, when I travel to a specific location, whether domestic or international, I have a plan to photograph a specific species of bird. Often I not only have a specific species, but occasionally a specific individual bird in mind. To do this, I have to have knowledge of that bird’s habits, history and also have considerable luck when I arrive. This image, a Yellow Oriole, is an example of that strategy gone awry. I was actually at a location in Colomiba-La Uva, a large private park that is actually a large vineyard and wine making complex. We were there to photograph a hummingbird, the Ruby Topaz, that was reported to have been there. The first afternoon we arrived the RT Hummingbird was nowhere to be found. Fortunately for us, this guy showed up and put on a show for us gathering nectar from the flowers.

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