Boreal Owl

Dream shot

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A companion birding group found this bird and shared its location for which I am eternally grateful. The bird was initially perched in the open but soon began hunting in the woods. The bird was zeroing in on a vole when it quickly turned its head for a millisecond and gave this look. It then dove to the ground but missed its target. This was a life bird for me which I’ve been trying to photograph for ten years. I still can’t believe how lucky our group was to get such good looks.

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mikeaffJohn WeisgerberBurning Nature photography Recent comment authors
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Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

Awesome shot of this rare bird Emil. so sharp and love the perch and clean background

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

Fantastic shot, Congrats!

Mike Affinito
Mike Affinito

Great portrait Emil
