Little Tinamou

Raindrops are falling on my head

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I am starting to process my images from Colombia. Planning a photography trip to the tropics can be frustrating. Tropical areas typically do not have a “cold” and “hot” season; rather they have a wet and dry season. These are relative terms because it can and does rain at any time of year. We went to south central Colombia during the dry season. Unfortunately it rained frequently during our trip. While that is an inconvenience for us humans, the birds don’t seem to care much. This is a Little Tinamou, a very secretive ground bird. It can fly, but doesn’t like to. This bird was foraging in the undergrowth when it started to rain. As soon as I took this shot, I could not get the BJ Thomas song, “Raindrops are falling on my head” out of my head.

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Paul Demkovich
Paul Demkovich

Really nice!
