Puna Snipe

Magellanic Snipe

Viewed 6 Times

We stopped at the Reserva Natural Urbana Encerrada in Ushuaia to look at ducks. In an adjacent field was this this Magellanic Snipe – nearly impossible to see as it blended in so well with the tall grass.

Wikipedia says: The taxonomic history of the New World snipes of genus Gallinago is complicated. What is now the Magellanic snipe has in the past been treated as a subspecies of common snipe (G. gallinago), then as conspecific with what are now the Pantanal snipe (G. paraguaiae) and the Puna snipe (G. andina), and later still as conspecific with only the Pantanal snipe. I chose to list this as the Puna Snipe for now since Magellanic Snipe is not yet included as a GBP Species Name.

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