Sage Thrasher

A rare visitor

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A Sage Thrasher is bringing some excitement in the mid-west. A Forest Preserve worker, non-birder, saw this unusual bird sitting near some shrubs. He had the insight to realize that is was different and took a quick photo of it to show to a birding friend. This friend saw that this was a special bird for our area and identified it as a Sage Thrasher. The Sage Thrasher is the smallest thrasher in the family. Its habitat is in sagebrush plains (hence the name) in the western part of the United States. How it got here is anyone’s guess. But for now, he is bringing a lot of enjoyment for us mid-westerners.

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LeegramasmikeaffMike Warner Recent comment authors
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Mike Warner

Two excellent shots of the Sage Thrasher! Thanks for posting. We drove in from Nashville yesterday and went straight to Hidden Lake and found it after 45 minutes of searching.

Mike Affinito
Mike Affinito

Great shot !


Great pic!
