Eurasian Hoopoe

Memorable moment in time

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Sometimes the back story of an image is what makes it memorable (at least to me). This is a Eurasian Hoopoe, a common bird in Europe. Even though it is common it is high on the list of “must see” birds for most North American bird photographers coming to Spain because it so unique looking. This is the “crest down” shot where the bird looks like a hammer head.
What makes the image memorable is that we were waiting for this bird to show for us in front of a hide/blind in central Spain. We had been waiting for 2 hours and the bird was a no show. Deb had a tender back, so she laid down on the floor of the hide. No sooner had she laid down than the bird showed for about 30 seconds. She sat up, pulled the camera up and fired away. After a few shots she laid back down. Caught a nice image with the pose of the bird, the background and the perch. Tough lighting as the sun was a litte high in the sky.
I will never look at this image without thinking of her sitting up, firing away and then laying back down.

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Mike Warner

very nice shot of the Hoopoe. Congrats to Deb for pulling it together long enough to get a GreatBirdPic.


What an interesting looking fellow! Love the story that goes with the picture!


Great job Deb!!! Awesome shot.

Paul Demkovich
Paul Demkovich

I’ve always wanted to see a Hoopoe – great effort – great shot!
