Cattle Egret

The storm is coming

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This is an image I took in Costa Rica last November. Each time I look at it, I wonder, “Should I even have kept it?”. In my mind the title is “The storm is coming”. These are Cattle Egrets gathering in their roosting tree as the sun is setting and storm clouds are gathering. In the subtropics it is common, even in the “dry” season for clouds to gather in the late afternoon. Usually it then rains buckets but by the next morning is clear again. Obviously these birds are used to it. Shot from a boat near the Nicuaraguan border with our good friend Chamba. What are your thoughts? Keep or pitch?

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Paul Demkovich
Paul Demkovich

Recommend that you keep it! I would even blow it up and have it printed in a large format. I love the action, the lighting, the contrast and the composition…


Great photo! A keeper for sure!

Ronald Zigler
Ronald Zigler

I also have trouble deleting images. This one does have great lighting, made more dramatic by the dark clouds in the background. If this was my image, I’d be inclined to crop it (16×9) across the top in order to capture the birds. However, I would recognize that the image and its megapixels might not hold up well to that crop. You could boost the megapixels with some programs but there is a limit to how much that can help.

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

I also reco that it should be kept.

Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

The setting, lighting and moody feel is really nice. I would keep it.
