Eurasian Marsh-Harrier

Not enough room for two here

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These are Eurasian Marsh Harriers, a very common raptor of Europe. These are closely related to our Northern Harriers in the USA. These birds certainly do prey on small mammals, reptiles, and birds, but they take a large per centage of diet from carrion. Like all Harriers, they are day hunters that act like owls in that hearing is an important tool for them in locating live prey. Hence, the “scoop shaped” face like owls. This “funnels” sounds to their ears to help in determing distance and direction. For whatever reason these birds fight with each other all the time. This shot was with Canon R5, 100-500 mm at about 150 mm. I used a high shutter speed because even though the first bird was perched, I could see the second bird coming and knew a fight was imminent.

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