Lesser Nighthawk

First Documented Record of Lesser Nighthawk in Washington State

Viewed 21 Times

Washington birder David Swain heard an unfamiliar trill when out birding. Merlin Identified it as a Lesser Nighthawk. He located it perched on a horizontal branch on a Cottonwood. He called Deb Essman – a great Kittitas County birder who soon joined him. Deb is a great friend and called me. Fortunately I was out birding in the area (40 miles away). I was able to join them and got this photo – the third person to see it. The photo not only shows the white wing bar back on the wing (behind tertials) but also the bird with its eye open and head a bit raised. Deb had just played the tremolo song and it opened its eye, raised its head and responded. Further confirming the ID. Has been relocated today and seen by many.

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Great camo!
