Brassy-breasted Tanager

Another outrageously colored tanager

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I chased this bird over SE Brazil trying to photograph it. Not a rare bird, it does prefer the coastal mountain rainforest above 4000 feet. When we finally arrived at Itororo Lodge, north of Rio de Janeiro, my quest was done. This bird was very common around the lodge and provided many photo opportunities. Right place, right time.
Shot with a Canon R5, 600 mm f/4.0 lens, at f/4.0, SS 1/1000, ISO 1000, EC -0.3 (to avoid blowing out the oranges and yellows). Processed in PS with little done. Small distracting leaf cloned out to L of bird.

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Rebecca Bowater
Rebecca Bowater

Stunning image Bajadreamer

Mike Warner

The BB Tanager is one spectacular bird! Worth the trip just to get a look at that.
