Black-crowned Night-Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron in flight

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It is not often that you can capture a flight shot looking slightly downward toward your subject, but that is what happened here on account of this unique location: the Heron rookery in Ocean City, New Jersey. It is an excellent location to capture images of five different species on Heron as well as Glossy Ibises. Located at the visitor’s center (of all places) on a slightly elevated causeway. the elevation of the causeway allows you to look down at many of the nesting Herons. Hence it is as likely to capture an image at eye level or even slightly below as it is above you.

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Mike Warner

I can’t find a thing to quibble about your BCNH shot. It is so sharp and you’ve stopped all the action. I love seeing the plume flowing behind the head. Award Worthy!
