Brazilian Tanager

Back to Brazil

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Back to processing images from our Brazil trip last summer. This bird, which resembles our Scarlet Tanager, is a Brazilian Tanager. For me, bright red birds like this are often hard to get exposed and processed well. The reds are so bright, it is easy to lose all details. This image was taken with a Canon R5, 100-500 mm lens at 428mm, SS 1/200, f/11.0 (to gain DOF), ISO 2000, EC of -0.3, Processed in PS, with reds brought down selectively and BG brought down slightly. Cropped to about 2/3 FF from L and bottom.

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BajadreamerMike Warner Recent comment authors
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Mike Warner

Great picture of the Brazilian Tanager. Question – why did you up you f-stop to 11 for DOF? What were you trying to capture?
