Black-crowned Antpitta

My favorite of this family.

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Finally finishing my images from Panama. This bird, a Black-crowned Antpitta, is my favorite member of this family of birds. Again, these are ground birds that can fly, but prefer not to. Rather they hop, jump and scurry in the undergrowth. I was very fortunate to have a guide that knew that this individual liked to hop on this dead tree limb before darting back into the undergrowth. Without a guide, this bird, or most other Antpittas, would be invisible to the average tourist. You can hear them easily, but seeing them is another matter.
This image was taken with a Canon R5, 600 f/4.0, SS 1/250. ISO 6400, f/4.0, EC 0.0. Handheld. Processed in PS with BG brought down slightly.

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Great photo indeed!
