Streak-chested Antpitta

ISO is a state of mind

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With modern cameras and probably more importantly, modern post processing software, ISO values that I would have never dreamed of in the past can produce more than just “keeper” images but rather good ones. I like this one and feel that it shows good color and detail rendition. This is a Streak-chested Antpitta, shot in the rain forest of Panama. This was early in the morning (when these birds are active), and deep in the undercover. The RAW file was converted in DXO Pure RAW 3, processed in PS (BG down, bird up in brightness and saturation) and finally run through Topaz De Noise at very low settings (noise reduction at 8 and sharpness at 10) prior to JPEG conversion. Shot with a Canon R5, 600 f4.0, SS 1/800, f/4.0, ISO 16,000, handheld.

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Mike WarnerEmil Baumbach Recent comment authors
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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

Cool bird and shot Bajadreamer.

Mike Warner

Love the Streak-chested Antpitta pic. I really appreciate your inclusion of the steps you take to create a final jpg. I’m not aware of DXO Pure Raw but I’m going to look into it.
