Gray Thrasher

From behind the berries

Viewed 37 Times

This is one of my earliest attempts at bird photography, taken in Baja California Sur, Mexico when we lived there. This is a Gray Thrasher, an endemic bird in Baja Sur. This was taken in a stark desert environment. When an isolated plant had berries, it truly was a “bird magnet” attracting birds of all species from far and wide. As I have taken many images since then (estimated 1 million), I am not sure this image would have even made it through my initial cull, but now that I look at it again (and reprocessed it) I kinda like it.

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LeegramasMike Warner Recent comment authors
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Mike Warner

Your pic of the Gray Thrasher certainly was worth keeping – it was one of the Honorable Mention pics in the Obscured Bird contest. The judges really appreciated the difficulty of obtaining a good focus as the bird peeked out from behind the foliage.


Cool looking bird!
