Red-billed Scythebill

Shy bird

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This is one of the more interesting birds we photographed in the Darien of Panama in April of this year. A Red-billed Scythebill, an uncommon bird even there. He is also very shy so difficult to see and certainly to photograph. He uses the long curved bill to pry under pieces of bark to search for insects. Fortunately for us, he has a very distinctive cry, so our guide, Oscar Fria, was able to detect him and set us up for photos. Difficult environment to shoot-LOTS of vines, leaves, etc, and a bird that would not sit still, this is the best shot we got (of 300 taken in 15 seconds). Shot with a Canon R6, 100-500 lens at 500 mm, SS 1/400, ISO 5000, EC of +0.3. Processed in PS with BG reduced and bird slightly brought up. Hanging piece of vine over head of bird cloned out.

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What a wild looking bird!
