Green Honeycreeper

Proverbial BOAS

Viewed 47 Times

This image of a Green Honeycreeper, taken in Costa Rica, is the typical “bird on a stick” image or BOAS. It certainly shows the beauty of this species, although the name, Green Honeycreeper, comes from the appearance of the female, not the male pictured here. Before the popularity of mirrorless cameras, with their enhanced AF systems, this type of image was among the most common type presented on forums, etc. Now, birds in action (flying, feeding, fighting, f***ing) are the most desirable and eye catching images that are shown on many forums.

Personally, my goal in taking an image is to demonstrate the unique beauty of birds, so BOAS images still have a prominent place in my portfolio.

Processed in PS; cropped for composition, BG slightly desaturated and darkened, bird has saturation raised slightly and pupil of eye darkened (flash was used). Some poop was cloned out on perch.

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PattycrowleyLeegramas Recent comment authors
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What a unique and beautiful bird!


I love seeing birds from different countries.
This one is beautiful.
