Brown-crested Flycatcher

Brown-crested Flycatcher

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It took awhile, but I finally got a decent shot of a Brown-crested Flycatcher. I went to Texas with a few birding buddies last April. These Flycatchers were quite common, but getting a shot of one proved challenging for me. They were either high up in trees or deep in the woods where the lighting was terrible. One early evening, while at our Airbnb, I walked down the driveway in hopes to see some Parrots that have been seen sitting on the phone lines. I struck out out on the parrots, but while walking back the house, this Brown-crested Flycatcher gave me the best opportunity for a photo.

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Mike Warner

That Brown-crested FC looks like a winner to me! Great shot – I hear it came in second in a photography contest!
