Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow magic.

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I have a spot each year that always holds Lark Sparrows. This is a bird rarely seen in the Chicagoland area and is a very desirable find. Well, today I decided to see if any birds had arrived yet and started listening for their song. I was disappointed at first when nothing was audible. So as I walked I started hearing very weak chirps that did not sound like Lark Sparrows at all. Then I saw a bird in a small tree that looked like my target bird and sure enough it was in the open peeping very softly. As I watched, another Lark Sparrow was on the ground performing a courting dance and display. At first I thought that the bird was injured but soon realized what was really going on, The bird was crouched and hopping with his tall feathers spread and with his wings drooping near the ground. I did not see copulation but they were completely oblivious to my presence. At one point the male popped up on a low branch giving me a dream shot in good light. Lark Sparrow magic indeed.

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Emil BaumbachBurning Nature photographyMike WarnerLinLarkmikeaff Recent comment authors
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Mike Affinito
Mike Affinito

Great photo and commentary Emil


Lovely shot

Mike Warner

I loved your story about the Lark Sparrow! The picture is stunning, making it all that more special. Indeed, Lark Sparrows are rarely seen in Chicagoland so let’s hope they keep returning to your “Secret location.”

Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

Nice shot Emil. Usually found on the ground. I like this one perched in a tree.
