This Savanna Sparrow was giving me great looks in this field.. I waited until the sun was in the right place before taking this shot.. As a wildlife photographer, I find myself always chasing good light.. I try to get up and out early before sunrise and go back out just before the sun sets for the night.. Early in my photographic journey, I found myself out mid day taking photos and wondering why they weren’t as good as photographers I admired (Emil). Then one day I was given a lesson that I would never forget.. Process photos during the middle of the day when the sun is harsh.. I will never forget the lessons I’ve learned from better photographers..
Country United States
State Illinois
Location Middlefork Preserve, Lake Forest IL.
Gender Male
Age Adult
Activity Territorial Display
- Created Timestamp10/05/2021 22:00:38
- CameraNIKON D850
- Aperture4
- Focal Length500
- Iso640
- Shutter Speed1/640
Lighting, , perch and soft background colors really add to this photo of one of my favorite sparrows.
Thanks Emil. One of mine as well