Peregrine Falcons are on of the fastest birds around.. They fly well over 100MPH when diving in for a kill.. I was shooting this one on the ground when it quickly took to the air and flew right towards my direction.. I knew time was essential and did not adjust my shutter speed to match the bird.. Instead I panned with the bird at lower shutter speed.. this blurs out the background and gets the subject sharp… It’s situations like this that pays off practicing all types of photography skills in my past.
Country United States
State Illinois
Location Montrose beach, Chicago IL.
Gender Unknown
Age Adult
Activity BIF (Bird in Flight), Hunting
- Created Timestamp10/03/2021 13:57:05
- CameraNIKON D850
- Aperture6.3
- Focal Length500
- Iso400
- Shutter Speed1/500
That is incredible! I love how he is looking right at the camera.!
Thank you Lee.
That’ such a great eye to eye look. Pretty amazing you got a sharp eye at 1/500.
Panning technique paid off.