Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting

Viewed 92 Times

My first bird of the year is one of my favorite winter visitors, the Snow Bunting. Three birds were feeding in the rocks and weedy areas along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Since I rarely get these birds off the ground, I was happy to see one bird pop up on this rock for a few seconds. The birds were very nervous and only stayed for a few minutes before flying off.

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Emil BaumbachMike WarnerBurningnaturephotography Recent comment authors
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Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

love the composition on this Emil.. Great first of the year bird for sure.

Mike Warner

I really like your Snow Bunting composition. Different from many of your pictures, but it works! The shape of the rock compliments the Bunting – together they work together to create a wonderful photograph. Award Worthy!
