Eastern Screech-Owl

passing a pellet

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How do you know when an owl is comfortable with you being around it??? Look at the owl and see how it is reacting to you. when ever you see an owl, or any bird preening or coughing up a pellet, you can rest assure the bird is not bothered by your presents. Owls can not digest bones or fur. they pass these pellets out daily. When looking for Owls look under trees for pellets and the side of trees for “white-wash”. things coming out of both ends!!!

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Camp Stitch Bird Nerd
Camp Stitch Bird Nerd

I learn so much from this group. I will now be on the lookout for this on my property.

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

The right place at the right time. Great capture!


Incredible picture! Happy New Year to all!
