Red-headed Woodpecker

Making of a Christmas card

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Every year I am tasked by my supervisor “Ericka my Wife”, to get a photo worthy of the Burning Christmas card.. I have the whole year to do this. Of course I alway wait till the end of the year to find or attempt to find the right shot.. usually looking for snow or red berries is nice. On this particular phot a mentor and great friend of mine “Emil” were at a different location taken photos together. He recommended this other place for a rare warbler that has been seen several days in a row.. The location was real close. I haven’t been to this new location before and Emil was more than willing to show me the area. As we both pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a beautiful red berried tree right off the main path. I know I was there for a rare to area Warbler, but could not pass up the opportunity for a Berry shot. I was rewarded when this Red-headed Woodpecker showed up and gave me my Burning Christmas card photo..

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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

My favorite shot of yours in 2022. A winner in every way. You picked the right photo for your Christmas Card.


Excellent sharpness and color.


What a beautiful picture! Outstanding shot!

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

Fantastic shot!
