Fork-tailed Flycatcher

A WOW bird

Viewed 49 Times

Like Bonnie, I went the day after this bird was reported. A rare lifer of this status does not appear very often, I went in the late afternoon when there was a breeze and watching this bird fly from perch to perch looked like I was watching a kite in the sky. Absolutely amazing and somewhat breathtaking to say the least. I hope many other GreatBirdPics members in the Iliinois/Indiana area had a chance to see the bird. It was around for three days and seems to have departed as of yesterday.

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Paul DemkovichJohn WeisgerberBurningnaturephotography Recent comment authors
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Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

Usually not a favorable angle for a photo, but in this case you nailed the beauty of this bird in flight.. well done as usual sir!!!

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

Great Shot!!!

Paul Demkovich
Paul Demkovich

Just seeing this now and WOW! My parents owned a home in Beverly Shores, but we had to go to Argentina to see this bird…
