Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Hummingbird magic

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Every once in a while you get the shot you’re looking for. This was my first outing since surgery and the cards fell my way. I found a plant with a good clean background and a bloom at the top of the plant. I set up my tripod and waited for the bird to feed on my chosen salvia. The bird eventually arrived, fed, backed away for an instant as they do, and gave me a great look. I should mention that I watched the area for a while and saw hummingbirds before I decided to plant myself in this specific spot. Once you take a picture you think might be good you instantly go to your screen and take a look. It looked sharp and I called it a day. Seeing it on my large computer screen was a happy moment.

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LeegramasEmil BaumbachMike WarnerBirder2011 Recent comment authors
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Beautiful capture.

Mike Warner

Yes, your hummingbird pic is magic! Such a wonderful shot. Question: How did you attain the focus? Did you pre-focus on the flowers or did the camera auto focus on the bird. Award Worthy!!


That is a phenomenal shot!
