Egyptian Vulture

Nature’s Trash Service-an Egyptian Vulture

Viewed 29 Times

Certainly many people are disgusted by vultures, primarily because of their association with dead animals., Without vultures though, the fields, forests, deserts, sea shores, etc, would be more disgusting places. Vultures are nature’s trash service. An Egyptian Vulture, which is an endangered species. Beautiful in its own right.

This was taken from a hide in Portugal with a Canon R6, 600 mm f/4.0 off a tripod. SS 1/2000, ISO 1000, f/4.0 at a range of about 50′. Small crop from L and bottom; some poop cloned out below

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BajadreamerEmil BaumbachLeegramas Recent comment authors
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I love the vulture! What a terrific example of the species! Love it!

Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

Nice shot Bajadreamer.
