Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

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In the late morning of May 3, 2022, a male Painted Bunting was reported in Berrien County, 78 miles and just over an hour drive away. To make the trip more enticing, the bird was being seen in the resident’s front yard. We got there and the homeowner came out and said it was recently seen, we could park in his driveway and come inside. We parked in the driveway and watched from outside. At one point the homeowner was pointing out the picture window to his porch. The homeowner came outside and said it was just on the porch. About an hour after watching for it, it started to drizzle, and more birders arrived. The Painted Bunting finally showed up and foraged on the sidewalk. We had excellent views. A Michigan lifer for us.

In 2020 a male Painted Bunting showed up at a different location in Berrien County.

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Camp Stitch Bird Nerdwarnerk Recent comment authors
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Great picture.

Camp Stitch Bird Nerd
Camp Stitch Bird Nerd

Wow! If I saw this bird land in my yard, I’m not sure I’d believe my eyes!
