Black Kite

Crop or aspect ratio; how important is it to you?

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This is a Red Kite, photographed in northern Spain.
I usually try to stay with one of the “traditional” aspect ratios when I save my master copies of my processed images. Not sure why as I rarely print; most of my images are displayed either on a computer monitor or a dedicated TV I have at home in my den. Especially with the TV, unless the image is at 16:9, the image does not fill the screen. This shot of a Red Kite had to be cropped at a non traditional aspect ratio. I clipped the bird’s right (viewer’s left) wing and had to replace the wing tip. To do so I had to add canvas on the left side. Because of the pose and the wing span, I could not (at least not satisfactorily to me) get this to work in a 5:4 or 3:2 ratio. What are your thoughts? How important is the aspect ratio to you? I am thinking of having this printed on canvas as a “panorama type” scene.

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Love the Kite’s eye. It realy shows the soul of the bird.

Dan Rossi
Dan Rossi

Amazing photo!

Mike Warner

A wonderful picture! Your “aspect” question prompted me to begin writing a post about that subject – hopefully I’ll finish it off and publish it soon. As to your question, the size of the photo should be appropriate for the space allotted to it. Before printing it on canvas cut a piece of newspaper in the shape of the final version and tape it to the wall. How does it look there? You can play with the size from there. The kite is well-placed and proportioned in the current picture. Let us know what you decide.

John Weisgerber
John Weisgerber

Fantastic capture!
