California Towhee

Our “pet” bird set up

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We have a tiny back yard with an ugly plastic fence perimeter. In other words, not a very good place for taking bird photographs. This bird, a California Towhee, has a nest in a near by park. My wife has been feeding her meal worms for some time. Now, whenever my wife comes through the door, this bird shows up. I took advantage of that to take this shot. I placed a rock on a table and placed meal worms on top. It took 30 seconds for the bird to show up. The back ground is a back drop vinyl picture about 20′ behind the rock and table. The camera, a Canon R5, 600 f/4.0 lens and a flash unit were mounted about 25′ away. The shot was taken with a SS of 1/200, f5.6, ISO of 400 and FEC of -2.3. This is certainly not the type of picture I would fill my portfolio with, but I like the bird’s expression. I use these backdrops for my multi flash hummingbird set ups.

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Mike Warner

Another GreatBirdPic! The Towhee is captured beautifully. Thanks for including your setup procedure – very informative. I can’t decide about the pinkish background. Colorful, but doesn’t appear as natural. Perhaps it works better with colorful hummingbirds.
