Buff-throated Woodcreeper

A shot I am happy with

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These are two birds that are common and the composition is not great, but what makes me happy about this picture is that two species are in the same shot. Woodcreepers are certainly common in the subtropics; this shot was taken in Peru, at Los Amigos Biologic Station. It is hard to get good shots of Woodcreepers because they are constantly in motion and often the only shot you are offered is the back of the bird as it moves up the tree looking for insects hidden in the bark. I was lucky to see two different species on the same tree. They stopped and briefly checked each other out, and then continued their search for breakfast. Most Woodcreeper species look very similar; I was lucky enough to have a local guide that immediately pointed out the differences-look at the different patterns on the head and breast (at least that portion that is showing). A Buff-throated Woodcreeper and a Straight-billed Woodcreeper.

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