Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting in the Snow

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This was the first time I have observed and photographed this species. There was a large flock of at least 20 of these birds flying around the snow covered campground of Salisbury Beach State Park in Salisbury, Massachusetts. I was not having much luck until I noticed a small crowd of photographers around my parked car. Apparently, someone had dumped some cracked corn on the ground and these birds would periodically land, feed for a little while, fly away and then return. Using my car as a blind, I was able to capture this image from a few feet away. While not “breeding” plumage, this is one of the few birds whose non-breeding plumage is nonetheless quite attractive.

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Mike Warner

That is a great shot of the Snow Bunting! I love how the feet are in the snow and perfect lighting! GreatBirdPic!
