Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeak in the Morning Sun

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I traveled an hour north to Royalston, Massachusetts to capture this image. I had been following reports of large flocks of these birds at the home of local residents who welcomed birders to see the Evening Grosbeaks. I was pleased to be able to see and photograph these birds since I had not seen one since 1987. This has been designated an “irruptive” year for these birds that, while in decline, are more common in the northern, boreal forests. This year, they have been venturing further south. I had been hoping to see these at my own feeders this winter, but none have shown up yet. A resident in Royalston told me he goes through 100 pounds of seed a week feeding these and other birds. I told him that he has been feeding his birds so well, they may not bother to show up in my neighborhood in the southern part of the state.

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Mike WarnerwarnerkBirder2011LinLark Recent comment authors
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Fantastic shot!


Love the colors!


Beautiful. Sure wish I could see one here in Illinois.

Mike Warner

Great pic of the Evening Grosbeak! I appreciate the information you provided about how the irruptive year and the homeowner who allowed you to come onto their property. I keep getting reports of a similar home in downstate Illinois – perhaps I’ll take off and see if I can see one too!
