Out Of Mindo Valley

After a great morning of viewing the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock and three Antpitta species we started driving east toward the next region we would be exploring in Ecuador, the eastern slope of the Andes.  As we drove toward Quito we made a lunch stop at Restaurant Mirador Guaycapi.  The restaurant was perched on the edge of the road, overhanging a steep slope going down into the forest.  The brush on the slope had been cleared and some feeders were set up below us so we were able to bird while eating on the deck!

Here’s our guide Tony posing next to a GreatBirdPic of his the restaurant had mounted on the wall of the dining room.  I wonder if this is why he selected this place for our lunch?


The Men’s Room at the restaurant had a nice view of the road!


A female Andean Emerald perched right below the deck, pausing as it fed at the feeders.


Perhaps not the most colorful of the tanagers, the Bay Headed certainly ranks right up there.


Most of the time in Ecuador the rain was light but it poured down during lunch on Day 5 of our trip.  This Golden-headed Quetzal just hunkered down until it passed.


Our journey east took us through Quito then up and over the Continental Divide (formed by the Andes Mountains).  We stopped along the way and scanned not for birds, but for the Spectacled Bear.  We did not see one this time but had a very distant look at one on our way back to Quito four days later.


Our fellow passenger Kat kept an eye on our location as we drove due East (95º) and grabbed a screenshot of her phone as we crossed the Equator (0º0’0″) at an elevation of 8130 ft.


As the sun set we arrive at our lodging for this portion of our trip, San Isidro Lodge.  More on this wonderful location and the birding around it in future posts.


Links to previous posts of our Ecuador Birding Trip:

How to prepare for and get the most from your bird tour

Our Ecuador Birding Trip – Preliminary Data

Our Bird Tour In Ecuador – Overview

Birding a City Park in Downtown Quito, Ecuador

Out of Quito to Reserva Yanacocha

Into Mindo Valley – Sachatamia Lodge

Mindo Valley – Reserva Amagusa

Reserva Amagusa – Hummingbirds and Toucanete

Ecuador Day 4 – Sendero Fruitti Tour

Refugio Paz de la Aves in Mindo Valley


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