Novelty Pics

Sometimes I just can’t resist snapping a picture of a bird in an odd situation or unusual perch.  Not necessarily GreatBirdPics but still interesting.  Take a look:

Here’s a Canada Goose happily perched and singing (?) away atop a Wood Duck house.


This male Vermillion Flycatcher is brighter than the sign.  I don’t think the Flycatcher will be parked there overnight.


This rare (for this area) Great-tailed Grackle has been hanging out in a truck-stop area just south of Chicago.  It prefers Dunkin’ Doughnuts and McDonald’s.


Taken just over three years ago, this shows how the nest of the famous Piping Plovers Monty and Rose was being protected.  Monty and Rose are no longer with us but their son Imani returned last year (no mate) and this year.  A possible mate and another male also arrived and a nest with four eggs has been spotted.


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